Transition of seasons in Ayurveda is called Sandhikaal and it has lots of significance as our body shows responses in varied intensities during this transition. One of the most commonly seen response is Allergy.
If you have ever experienced itchy, watery eyes, dry cough or nasal symptoms of seasonal allergies, then you are well aware of how uncomfortable, and at times, physically limiting they can be.
Allergic responses are our body’s way of defending against, and trying to eliminate foreign substances that we encounter. In
Ayurvedic medicine it is believed that the health of your agni, or digestive fire, determines how severe of a reaction you have to common allergens. By strengthening your agni, you can reduce, or possibly eliminate the physical discomfort associated with allergies.
Vaat Allergy:
Vata allergy symptoms tend to be more noticeable in later fall and early spring when the air is cold and dry. There is a very strong air element to Vatas. Allergy related discomforts may include dry eyes, dry cough, headache, wheezing, sneezing and dry itchy skin.
Remedies: Vata symptoms require hydration in order to be kept in proper balance. Make sure you are consuming adequate amounts of clean, pure, hydrating liquids. Try one of the following liquid preparations to soothe Vata allergies.
1. Ashwagandha is a wonderful, calming herb that will help bring Vata back into balance. Consume it in an infusion made in warm milk.
2. Licorice and ginger root tea to help to relieve dry throats, coughs and wheezing.
3. Sesame oil works beautifully to balance Vata. Try giving yourself a gentle massage around the sinuses and throat area using just a touch of sesame oil.
Pitta Allergy
Those with a primary Pitta dosha are prone to inflammation. Warm weather allergies can exaggerate this inflammation to an uncomfortable level, especially in the sinuses, lungs and skin. Any of the burning sensations associated with allergies are considered to be
Pitta allergy symptoms:
Burning itchy eyes and a burning throat are common Pitta ailments. To help ease these symptoms you need to balance the heat and inflammation with something cooling.
It is important to only apply the use of cooling oils and herbs to your regime, but also eliminate those that are heat producing.
1. Pittas should stay away from spicy food, drink, herbs and oils while suffering from allergies.
2. For a cooling remedy consider the use of neem. Neem is an extremely powerful herb on its own, but it can safely be used regularly in a diluted form, such as neem oil soap. Help calm inflamed skin, and balance Pitta energy by washing with this soap regularly.
3. Coriander is a wonderful cooling, anti-inflammainflammatory spice. Try a coriander tea, or add coriander to your foods.
4. Pitta symptoms are also eased by the use of aloe. Either apply aloe directly in inflamed, allergic skin reactions or consume in the form of aloe juice to bring a cooling effect to the entire body.
Kapha Allergies
Kapha is the dosha associated with dominate water and earth elements.
Kapha allergy symptoms tend to be more watery, such as mucus drainage and watery eyes.
The strong earth presence also means that blockages are common, as is a sluggish, stuck feeling.
To help ease these symptoms and balance the Kapha dosha, a good nasal cleansing is recommended.
1. Nasal irrigation should be done using a neti pot. This teapot like device is used to flush water through the nasal cavities and facilitate easier and faster removal of mucus and the opening of blocked passages. It is important to always use sterile water in your neti pot. You may either purchase sterile, distilled water or you may boil your own and allow it to cool to a luke warm temperature before using. You may also add a tiny bit of salt to the pot to facilitate the process.
2. In addition to the use of a neti pot, the use of oils that act as decongestants is recommended. Oils with decongestant properties include camphor and eucalyptus.
3. If you would like to use spices and herbs in your treatment, use those that produce a warming sensation that will help you become less sluggish and assist in removing blockages. Some to consider are ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne, and cardamom. Try making yourself a nice tea using these spices in hot water, dressed with lemon and honey.
It’s very important to know the type and reason of allergy to treat it well.
Match your type and treat it