Why Natural Sweeteners Are a Far Better Option Than Consuming Sugar?
In our modern world, sugar has become ubiquitous, finding its way into nearly every processed food and beverage we consume. However, its excessive consumption has been linked to a myriad of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. This alarming trend has led many to seek alternatives, with natural sweeteners emerging as a far

Assignment- Day 1
Step 1: Write all the negativities which you focus on dissolving in these 21 days on a sheet of paper and while writing feel the pain of having them so that when your dissolve these emotions, pain associated with them also dissolves Now when you have written all the negative emotions on a sheet, name

Assignment- Day 2
*Thoughts Tagging* Focus on breathing. Keep your hand on your abdomen. When you inhale, your stomach should come out and when you release, it should go in. Now you know what you have to do is focus on these two movements of breathing Now fix a timer of 20 seconds and focus on this pattern

Assignment- Day 3
1. Thoughts Awareness: Write atleast ten things around you without judgement If you see laundry clothes, wrote clothes don’t tag them with a judgement that they need to send to laundry If you see torn curtain, write curtain, see and accept the things as they are Hear: minimum Three or more sounds which you hear

Assignment – Day 6
Today’s topic is Hooponopono healing. It is very powerful Hooponopono cleaning. Choose one thing you want to have right now. What you have to do is when you will breath in. You will say your affirmation of your desire and when you will breathe out, You will release what needs to be released to fulfill

Assignment – Day 7
Relationships and Anxiety If there is any person you have grudges but you love that person and you miss that person. You feel the discord but still that person matters to you. May be your old friend, may be partner, may be one of the parents or siblings, do this exercise See their pic, keep

Assignment – Day 8
Have you every imagined how exciting it would be if an angel comes and takes away all your worries and problems with it waving you a good bye Today you will have such an experience with meditation. But let’s learn the importance of surrendering in the process of Manifestation Importance of surrender Assignment: Think of

Assignment – Day 9
Today’s topic is very interesting. *Manifestations* What we all look for Assignment is given at the end of the recording. Pilot batch students have already done this assignment before. So they will just open up their list of 50 desires and will check what all are fulfilled Waiting for your Manifestation stories here

Assignment – Day 10
Now after listening to the session, again do the same meditation with the same wish. And then expect magic

Assignment – Day 11
Manifestation part 3 Today’s assignment is bit longer and may take time for all of you So I have transformed today’s meditation into a prayer in mini meditation form It will give you all the energies you need at this time It will give you the confidence It will declutter your mind I am sure

Assignment – Day 12
Assignment 1: Assigned at last of the lesson Assignment 2: Gratitude rock (For those who don’t know gratitude object) When you go to bed, hold your gratitude object in your hands and recall all good things that happened today, and say thank you everyone you recall one good thing That’s all you have to do

Assignment – Day 13
Assignment Magical Scripting You will write your future in present tense as you have already recieved it. You can write about anything you want to manifest! This isn’t an autobiography though; you don’t have to include your whole life story here. This is a detailed journal entry, that you make, as if you were already

Assignment – Day 14
Many times we wonder, if we can help someone to heal. When they are not ready to heal themselves or sometimes they may not see the way out from their situations. We can actually heal them by sending our powerful healing heart energy. You will feel better when you will meditate on this. Think of

Assignment – Day 15
*Money Manifestation* Before mainifesting money. Let’s remove some blockages which is preventing you from making money. Money Block #1. Believing You Don’t Deserve Money If you grew up believing that abundance was something that happened to other people, you might think you’re not good enough to get rich. Remove the idea that only certain people

Assignment – Day 16
Write 10 body blessings everyday Template remains the same. Reason is important. Example: I am blessed to have my legs because they keep me independent tto move and go anywhere I want I am blessed to have my heart because its keeping me safe and alive everyday *Lesson and meditation in the audio*

Assignment – Day 17
Like yesterday, today also you will count your blessings but love blessings. For example I love my son because he makes me feel the best I am blessed to have my husband because he is always with me when I need his support. So count your love blessings and enjoy love meditation

Assignment – Day 18
Assignment: After the meditation, Write a letter to God. Write your one desire which you want to manifest soon. Write each and every detail of the desireas if you have already received it. Start your sentence with *Thank you Universe* Like if you want to manifest a job, details like post, office location, which clothes

Assignment – Day 19
We all have people in our life who work as triggers to us. Sometimes to an extent that we don’t even want to see them and bear them. And sometimes there are some situations which we are fearful for but we cannot share our fears and insecurities with anyone. Most of the time they are

Assignment – Day 20
Health Visualization: Health is something which once lost, cannot be retained back at same level. Money is possible to earn back, job is possible to earn back but not health and time. In today’s stressful times, we all suffer from one health issue atleast.lets try to resolve it today with this visualization technique. Exampla Health

Assignment – Day 21
Visualisation techniques There are two assignments today and two meditations. You can do them in a single day too but it will be preferable to do them one by one on first time 1. First assignment: Write in your journal where do you want to see yourself in next 3 to five years. Write very