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Ayurvedic Blog For Self Healing
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Personal Transformation Course
Learn powers of: Mindfulness, Hooponopono, Law of Attraction
- 21 days Personal Transformation Course
- Meditation techniques for better life
"Amazing Tricks to Keep Yourself Healthy."
- Dr Nimarjeet
Kidney Facts
I have seen people focussing on eating green leafy vegetables when they suffer from Kidney Disease. Especially sone leaf decoction as home remedies.But a major sad fact which hardly anyone knows is that High Creatinine is alarming condition for kidneys but not life threatening, whereas High Potassium can be life threatening condition.All green leafy vegetables
Panch Karma Facts
#CleanseInsideOut 🙂 Cleanse from the inside out Many patients come to me and ask me to give them panchkarma to stay healthy. Today in this post, I will tell you why do we need cleansing and how can we do that at home without taking aggressive cleansing from any physician. (There are conditions where you require
Effects of flax seeds on Thyroiditis
In one of my recent post, I discussed the seed cycle and their importance in regulating menstrual cycles.In first 14 days, you need to eat flax seeds and pumpkin seeds to keep your estrogen levels balanced.Let’s understand what effect flax seeds have on Thyroiditis.Flax seed is a source of essential fatty acids especially in the
Food Label Terminology
Now a days, people are crazy for food terminologies like fat free, low fat, low calorie foods and drinks. But somewhere, we don’t know exactly what do these terms mean. Imagine what if you know what does it mean by low fat or zero fat, you can read the label and immediately understand whether the
Aloevera Facts
Everyday there is Atleast one query that puts a question mark on Aloe Vera safety. We all know it has been a wonderful supplement supporting health and preventing diseases like cancer. But the latest study where it was declared to be the cause of intestinal cancer came as a shock to all aloe Vera lovers.
Help Your Ovaries with food (Especially PCO)
Seed Cycle for your menstrual cycle:) Supporting the old mantra of “food is your medicine,” Ayurveda and certain recent researches show how innocent seeds can help regulate and support our menstrual cycle. The technique is called “seed rotation,” and can be used to boost estrogen levels in the first part of our cycle and progesterone
Nature has everything in it to heal..!
On daily basis, we women, while working in kitchen keep getting burns so much that now we are used to them and ignore minor burns.But sometimes, there is a major burn accidently which needs to be treated immediately.Treatment doesn’t mean taking antibiotics or applying silverx immediately. Primary treatment concern is to stop the burning sensation
Breathing is Everything
I always say Breathing is everything.I believe in that tooLets talk about breathing on health level today.Breathing is very very powerful exerciseWe take so many antioxidants to achieve good health. Breathing gives an instant access to antioxidants of nature.Let me tell you very interesting fact about breathing.1. At one moment, we breathe through one nostril.
Male sexual health Myth..!
Let’s talk about male sexual health MYTH today. MYTH: Male menopause is real. FACT: No, it’s not real. The term “menopause” only pertains to the female condition when the ability to reproduce is halted.Testosterone is the male sex hormone that is needed for growth of body hair, building strong bones and muscles, and producing sperm.As
Mindful way to achieve weight loss Goal and never get distracted
1. Mindful Goals:Fitting into jeans from high school or looking better in a swimsuit are popular reasons why people want to lose weight. However, it’s much more meaningful to truly understand why you want to lose weight and the ways that weight loss may positively affect your life. Having these goals in mind may help
Reason to have last main meal before more than 2 hours of getting to bed !!
Experts advised that adults should never eat within two hours of bedtime – and ideally not after 7pm. In a healthy person, blood pressure drops by at least 10 per cent when they go to sleepBut the results of a study of more than 700 people with high blood pressure found that eating within two
Thyroid Myths
Health sector is full of myths.Reason?Because we take them as facts regardless they refer to any research paper or notLet me share few myths about thyroid issue.There are many but here are some common ones: 1. It’s Impossible to Lose Weight With HypothyroidismMyth or Fact: MythThe truth is that losing weight can be hard for
Yoga : A Spiritual Retreat
If you are one of those women, who gets panic attacks very regularly, the first way to stop them is to stop resisting them.
Yes, What you resist, will persist.
Mindful Eating: Is all we need
I shared a basic method of calculating your Macros in one of my previous videos for Fat Loss
I am sharing another method in this video. This is a very effective methods and works Everytime.